The Music Jerk

Sunday, September 10, 2006

The most popular terrible voice in the history of music

I don't like Bob Dylan. I understand why he's popular. I understand why the music is popular. I understand why the music should be wildly popular. I understand why people believe him to be a great lyricist. I understand where and why he stands in music history and how important he was to the sixties. All his credit is deserving. Given all of that I still don't like Bob Dylan.
Well lucky me it seems like he's everywhere right now. New album getting rave reviews, iPod commericals, cover of Rolling Stone (issue 1008) and even in my current home town playing a minor league baseball stadium.
So when I read Rolling Stone the first thing I do is go to the last page and scan the charts. Next I go to the reviews. Next I run through the first bunch of pages scanning the bold print names to see if there's anything worth reading. Lastly I quickly flip through the rest of the pages to see if any of the articles are worth reading. In the newest issue, the one with Dylan on the cover, there's an article/interview with him.
Not liking Dylan I of course decided I wouldn't read the article.
Today I threw caution to the wind and read it. Wow. I don't even know. Wow. Dylan is a #$*&@*#!!! Seriously, fuck this guy.
He comes off as pompous and arrogant. While I didn't like him at least I could attempt to respect him. No longer.
It probably doesn't help that the whole thing is written by Dylan's number one super fanboy or so it seems. That in and of itself made me want to vomit. It's a character flaw to be that enamored with a pop/rock singer with such a terrible voice, no matter how great the lyrics may or may not be.
In the end my opinion of Dylan was high even though I staunchly disliked him. Now I feel like my distaste for him is completely justified by the only person who could wholly do it for me: Bob Dylan.


  • I get your point but Dylan has some right to be arrogant. I mean you try and survive all those drugs. He has cheated death moe times than Ozzy and Bowie put together I would imagine. That tends to make one's prespective a little off.
    Still point taken...

    By Blogger Greg, at 9:41 PM  

  • Keith Richards.
    He's not arrogant.
    He's survived a lot more than The Day-Star himself.

    By Blogger Mike, at 8:23 PM  

  • Eric Clapton is the only man to out snort Jimmie Hendrix and live.

    By Blogger Shah, at 2:44 AM  

  • Hm. Good point.

    By Blogger Mike, at 6:42 PM  

  • Wow, so survivng massive intakes of illicet drugs allows one to be pompous? Greg, you are as shallow and ignorant as Dylan himself. Both of you can go to hell. Thanks and have a great day!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 4:41 AM  

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